My new website is born

Nice, 28 Nov 2020
1 min read

New Website and Technologies

Well. Finally got around to putting this website together.

Powered by Jekyll and the Liquid template language and I can even use Markdown (kramdown to be precise) to author my posts (if I’m too lazy to write in HTML). The layout is enriched by the usage of Bootstrap 4, the Font Awesome and some Google Fonts too. It actually was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be because of the great Jonathan McGlone’s project that helped me putting the main pieces toghether.

I can optionally enable the MathJax JavaScript display engine when I need to render beautiful \(\TeX\)-formatted mathematical expressions. For instance my preferred identity:

$$ e^{i \pi} = -1 $$

Or use the SVG-based, multi-platform charting library Highcharts for plotting great dynamic charts.

This is an example of a percentage-stacked area chart picked from the official project documentation.

And last but not least it’s possible to make use of the {Rouge} syntax highlighter.

<a href="#">Hello world</a>

That’s all for now, but stay tuned because other contents are coming!

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