Mattemost Notify 1.0.0

The Opensource World, 09 Feb 2021
1 min read

Mattemost Notify

I’m very proud to announce the immediate release of my last opensource project

go-mattermost-notify v1.0.0

a simple Mattermost notifier written in Go (golang) and redistributable under the Apache-2.0 license.

go-mattermost-notify's logo

This program makes use of the Go libraries http and url for interacting with a Mattermost server (via its REST API v4) and Cobra coupled with Viper to implement the command-line interface.

You can post text or markdown-formatted messages to a Mattermost channel (via its ID):

go-mattermost-notify post -c rybfbdi9ojy8xxxjjxc88kh3me -A CI -t "Job Status" -m "The job \#BEEF has failed :bug:" -l critical

or send direct messages to a user:

go-mattermost-notify post -c @alice -A CI -t "Job Status" -m "The job \#BEEF ended successfully :tada:" -l success

as explained in the documentation.

A few settings can be configured also in a yaml configuration file.

Example of a message posted to Mattermost

The source code is available at GitHub along with the (static) binaries compiled for: